Financial Information















Financial Highlights

Amount in PKR. millions
Profit & Loss 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Sales 143,146 111,968 100,257 78,774 53,941 57,288
Gross profit 17,191 16,695 17,368 12,869 9,069 11,982
Earnings before interest and tax 11,964 11,297 13,138 7,506 1,932 5,482
Profit / (loss) before tax 6,537 5,949 10,469 5,562 (76) 4,008
Profit / (loss) after tax 4,728 3,986 8,862 4,425 (479) 3,609
Cash dividend 428 891 891 891
Bonus shares 1,233 856 713
Balance Sheet            
Property, plant and equipment 50,024 50,122 45,842 38,351 26,250 18,994
Intangible 45 38 52 78 90 45
Long term investment, loans,            
advances and deposits 3,755 3,792 3,816 3,747 2,862 492
Net current assets 6,119 6,926 8,748 5,539 606 4,818 
Total assets employed 59,943 60,878  58,458 47,715 29,808 24,348
Represented by:            
Share capital 7,410 7,401 6,167 5,312 4,278 3,565
Reserves 37,353 32,671 29,966 21,952 9,685 11,768
Shareholders’ equity 44,762 40,072 36,133 27,264 13,963 15,333
Long term loans 14,592 20,117 20,551 18,571 13,446 8,857
Deferred liabilities 599 689 1,774 1,880 2,399 158
Total capital employed 59,952 60,878 58,458 47,715  29,808 24,348
Cash Flow Statement            
Operating activities 4,075 16,269 5,468 (1,635) (20) 160
Investing activities (3,889) (7,931) 10,664 (9,867) (8,806) (4,899)
Financing activities (3,540) (9,405) 10,634 6,837 2,298 875
Cash and cash equivalents at            
the end of the year (4,766) (1,412) (345) 28,852 24,998 18,470
Financial Ratios      2024     2023     2022       2021   2020       2019  
Profitability ratios            
Gross profit ratio 12.01 14.91 17.32 16.34 16.81 20.92
Operating leverage ratio 0.21 (1.20) 2.75 6.27 11.09 2.56
EBITDA margin to sales 11.48 13.36 16.07 12.87 7.61 12.99
Net profit to sales 3.30 3.56 8.84 5.62 (0.89) 6.30
Profit before tax margin 4.57 5.31 10.44 7.06 (0.14) 7.00
Return on equity 11.15 10.46 27.96 21.46 (3.27) 25.82
Return on capital employed 19.80 18.93 24.75 19.36 7.13 24.94
Liquidity ratios            
Current ratio 1.08 1.11 1.15 1.12 1.02 1.16
Quick / acid test ratio 0.41 0.47 0.55 0.57 0.29 0.39
Cash to current liabilities 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.02
Cash flow from operations to sales 0.03 0.15 0.05 (0.02)
Capital structure ratios            
Financial leverage ratio 1.34 1.33 1.64 1.84 2.82 1.89
Weighted average cost of debt 9.58 9.50 4.88 4.34 5.87 4.54
Debt to funding ratio 57.20 57.14 61.78 64.80 73.81 65.41
Interest cover ratio 2.20 2.11 4.92 3.86 0.96 3.72
Turnover ratios            
Inventory turnover 127 140 130 140 192 151
Inventory turnover ratio 2.88 2.61 2.81 2.62 1.90 2.42
Debtor turnover 61 80 84 60 43 40
Debtor turnover ratio 5.97 4.57 4.36 6.03 8.45 9.19
Creditors turnover 111 120 105 113 175 136
Creditors turnover ratio 3.27 3.04 3.26 2.92 1.83 2.44
Fixed assets turnover ratio 2.86 2.33 2.19 2.05 2.05 3.02
Total assets turnover ratio 1.10 0.93 0.85 0.83 0.78 1.05
Operating cycle 76 100 109 87 60 55
Investor information            
Earnings per share 6.39 5.39 11.97 7.83 (1.12) 10.12
Price earning ratio 3.30 3.31 2.82 6.48 (25.56) 4.65
Price to book ratio 0.35 0.33 0.58 0.99 0.88 1.10
Dividend yield ratio 0.02 0.09 0.05
Cash dividend per share 0.02 0.09 0.05
Bonus shares issued 20.00 20.00 20.00
Dividend payout ratio 0.13 0.25 0.43
Dividend cover ratio 7.83 (0.45) 4.05
Break – up value per share 60.48 54.15 58.59 51.33 32.64 43.01
Market value per share            
at the end of the year 21.10 17.81 33.81 50.73 28.63 47.12
high during the year. 25.96 32.94 60.80 58.32 49.62 58.40
low during the year 16.83 17.81 32.80 28.93 21.45 38.25
EBITDA 16,436 14,963 16,112 10,141 4,103 7,442
*Ratio restated based on number of shares outstanding as on June 30, 2021.