Investor Overview
Investor Overview
Symbol of the Company in Respective Stock Exchanges:
Pakistan Stock Exchange
Year Ended June 30, 2023
- Earnings per share Rs. 6.39
- Price Earnings ratio 3.30
- Breakup value per share Rs. 60.47
Name & Address of Share Registrar
FAMCO Share Registration Services (Private) Limited 8-F, Next To Hotel Faran, Nursery, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S., Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi.
Name of Auditor of the Company
Yousuf Adil, Chartered Accountants
Free Float Shares of the Company
166,267,691 shares as of Dec 31, 2024.
Legal Advisors of the Company
A.K.Brohi & Co. Advocates
Shareholder Contact
Mr. Salim Ghaffar
Company Secretary
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Unit No.8, Plot No.H/7, Landhi Industrial Area, Landhi, Karachi
Phone No.111 485 485 & 111 486 486 (Ext.2630)
“In case your complaint has not been properly redressed by us, you may lodge your complaints with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (the “SECP”). However, please note that SECP will entertain only those complaints which were at first directly requested to be redressed by the company and the company has failed to redress the same. Further, the complaints that are not relevant to SECP’s regulatory domain/competence shall not be entertained by the SECP.”